Deep Democracy

Deep Femocracy empowers leaders to drive better decision-making by actively seeking out and integrating diverse perspectives.
1 August 2024
10:00 - 16:00 (including lunch)
€ 399,00 

Decision-making is likely a significant aspect of your job. And if so, another aspect is ensuring that others adhere to the decisions made, promoting effective and smooth collaboration.

However, the way decisions are made isn't always effective, resulting in slowdowns, sighs, and even sabotage. Often, we overlook the voices, opinions, and wisdom of those who don't speak up first—those who think differently from the majority of the group. They hold different, yet often crucial, information. Ignoring these voices doesn't make them disappear; it merely pushes them below the surface. They become visible at the coffee machine, in private conversations, and through sarcastic jokes, but are rarely openly discussed.

Deep Democracy offers a perspective and method for making the underlying dynamics within groups visible and manageable. Effective leadership requires actively inviting the voices of the minority. In this session, you will learn several tools to encourage diversity within your team and incorporate these perspectives into decision-making. Through more thorough decision-making, not only does the effectiveness of decisions increase, but so does the cohesion within your team.

The expert: Mireille Ollivieira

Mireille Ollivieira has been named trainer of the year 2022 and 2023. In 2019 she was a role model of the municipality of Amsterdam. She is a keynote speaker, leadership trainer and coach and a certified Deep Democracy Instructor at Human Dimensions where she teaches level 1, 2, 3 and Jam Cultures.

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