Creativity & Clarity for leaders

Creativity is waiting to be created. Waiting to be unleashed, like a jack-in-the-box or a puppy on the beach.
26 June 2024
10:00 - 16:00 (including lunch)
Commandantswoning, Marineterrein Amsterdam
€ 399,00 

A Little Portrait of Creativity

by Charles Hale

Creativity is waiting to be created. Waiting to be unleashed, like a jack-in-the-box or a puppy on the beach.

Creativity is shy and insecure. It just needs a little attention, motivation, and security. Then it will stick its curious nose around the corner.

And once it smells the sweet scent of opportunity, freedom, positivity, and security, it jumps up to explore and play with whatever it encounters. First a little cautious and gentle, and when it feels safe it will step up and act surprisingly wild and with pleasurably fun.

Creativity is a shapeshifter, it changes into new colours and shapes, inspired by what it sees, learns, and knows. Magically transforming from somethings to something else. Simply by what others say, do, and present, it transforms

Until it encounters negativity, egos, fear, impossibilities, and capabilities. Then creativity runs back to its hiding place. Making itself small, and unnoticed. Being a shapeshifter, it makes itself invisible by simply copying to what others say, do and present. Until… a new chance is created for it to peak its nose around the corner and catch the scent of opportunity to challenge the status quo.

What can you expect?

Charles and Aafke will submerge you in the spectrum of creative creativity. You will discover and experience the true nature of creativity, where it originates from, and learn how to create and lead a creative team culture. Be a creative leader. A mind-shifting and soul filling experience with plenty of food for creative thoughts.

Are you game?

The expert:Charles Hale

Charles has a track record of helping companies, people, and brands unleash their creativity. He is active as a Strategic Brand Value Creator & Activator. He is a preferred supplier of his services as a senior consultant for client creative direction and activation at Korn Ferry (a business, change, and executive search consultancy) on an EMEA level. Additionally, he occasionally gives talks, trains in creative thinking, and coaches teams under his Creating a Creative Culture label.

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